from urllib.parse import urlparse from getpass import getpass import re from ...models import Credentials from ...service import storage from ...service.connection import DockgeConnection from ..utils import stack_formatter, status_formatter, generic_formatter, credential_parser_factory class FunctionBindings(): """ Helper class that provides all the static methods in an organized way This is an abstraction layer of the CLI, as those functions only do little preprocessing before calling the actural DockgeConnection """ @staticmethod def __setup(): """ Creates a connection and logs into Dockge """ con = DockgeConnection() con.connect_and_login() return con @staticmethod def host(extra_args): """ host command binding """ if len(extra_args) > 0: mat ="((\w+\.)?\w+\.\w+(\/.+)?)", extra_args[0], re.IGNORECASE) if mat is None: raise ValueError("Given host did not match regex") res = urlparse(f"https://{mat[0]}") if all([res.scheme, res.netloc]): storage.put("host", mat[0]) else: raise ValueError(f"Malformed URL {extra_args[0]}") print(storage.get("host")) @staticmethod def login(extra_args): """ login command binding """ print(f"WARNING! These credentials will be saved unencrypted in {storage._file.absolute()}") if len(extra_args) > 0: credentials = credential_parser_factory().parse_args(extra_args, namespace=Credentials) storage.put("username", credentials.username, encoded=True) storage.put("password", credentials.password, encoded=True) return storage.put("username", input("Username: "), encoded=True) storage.put("password", getpass("Password: "), encoded=True) @staticmethod def logout(_): """ logout command binding """ storage.remove("username") storage.remove("password") @staticmethod def exit(_): """ exit command binding """ storage.clear() @staticmethod def list(_): """ list command binding """ con = FunctionBindings.__setup() stack_formatter(con.list_stacks()) con.disconnect() @staticmethod def status(extra_args): """ status command binding """ con = FunctionBindings.__setup() status_formatter(con.list_stack(extra_args[0])) con.disconnect() @staticmethod def restart(extra_args): """ restart command binding """ con = FunctionBindings.__setup() generic_formatter(con.restart(extra_args[0])) con.disconnect() @staticmethod def update(extra_args): """ update command binding """ con = FunctionBindings.__setup() generic_formatter(con.update(extra_args[0])) con.disconnect() @staticmethod def stop(extra_args): """ stop command binding """ con = FunctionBindings.__setup() generic_formatter(con.stop(extra_args[0])) con.disconnect() @staticmethod def start(extra_args): """ start command binding """ con = FunctionBindings.__setup() generic_formatter(con.start(extra_args[0])) con.disconnect() @staticmethod def down(extra_args): """ down command binding """ con = FunctionBindings.__setup() generic_formatter(con.down(extra_args[0])) con.disconnect() @staticmethod def help(): """ exit command binding - This should never be invoked """ print("WTF")