Image sizes
/ get-version (push) Successful in 2s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 18s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m9s
/ auto-deploy-dockge (push) Successful in 27s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 2s
/ checking (push) Successful in 18s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 30s
/ run-unlighthouse (push) Successful in 0s
2024-10-22 21:15:24 +02:00 |
Version bump
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 17s
/ get-version (push) Successful in 2s
/ checking (push) Successful in 16s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 2s
/ run-unlighthouse (push) Successful in 0s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m18s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 6s
/ auto-deploy-dockge (push) Successful in 22s
2024-10-22 20:53:09 +02:00 |
Revert "Source Sets"
/ get-version (push) Successful in 2s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 14s
This reverts commit d93d0416e5 .
2024-10-22 20:51:48 +02:00 |
Source Sets
/ get-version (push) Successful in 2s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 15s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 2s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m11s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 6s
/ checking (push) Successful in 15s
/ run-unlighthouse (push) Successful in 0s
/ auto-deploy-dockge (push) Successful in 15s
2024-10-22 20:45:39 +02:00 |
Test with tag
/ get-version (push) Successful in 2s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 14s
2024-10-22 19:59:19 +02:00 |
Updated for Lighthouse
/ get-version (push) Successful in 2s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 12s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 2s
/ checking (push) Successful in 11s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m11s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 5s
/ auto-deploy-dockge (push) Successful in 24s
/ unlighthouse (push) Successful in 37s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-files (push) Successful in 6s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-site (push) Successful in 5s
2024-10-21 22:36:12 +02:00 |
Continuing the redesign
/ get-version (push) Successful in 2s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 11s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 5s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 2s
/ checking (push) Successful in 12s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m13s
/ auto-deploy-dockge (push) Successful in 5s
/ unlighthouse (push) Successful in 19s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-files (push) Successful in 7s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-site (push) Successful in 4s
2024-10-21 22:23:25 +02:00 |
Another attempt at a major redesign, but for real this time, i swear
/ get-version (push) Successful in 3s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 12s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 2s
/ checking (push) Successful in 12s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m9s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 6s
/ auto-deploy-dockge (push) Successful in 21s
2024-10-21 16:57:02 +02:00 |
final prerelease
/ get-version (push) Successful in 3s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 15s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 3s
/ checking (push) Successful in 13s
/ auto-deploy-dockge (push) Successful in 6s
/ create-release (push) Failing after 1m53s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 56s
2024-10-01 22:12:04 +02:00 |
Bumped astro
/ get-version (push) Successful in 2s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 12s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 2s
/ checking (push) Successful in 12s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 6s
/ auto-deploy-dockge (push) Successful in 11s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m8s
2024-08-01 18:07:42 +02:00 |
Updated with summer skadi
/ get-version (push) Successful in 3s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 13s
/ checking (push) Successful in 14s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 3s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m13s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 7s
/ auto-deploy-dockge (push) Successful in 7s
2024-07-25 14:49:36 +02:00 |
Testing dockge cli container
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 15s
/ get-version (push) Successful in 3s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 3s
/ checking (push) Successful in 26s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m8s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 7s
/ auto-deploy-dockge (push) Successful in 10s
2024-07-22 17:51:58 +02:00 |
Extended dockge test with custom container
/ get-version (push) Successful in 3s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 14s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 3s
/ checking (push) Successful in 13s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m7s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 9s
/ auto-deploy-dockge (push) Successful in 23s
2024-07-22 12:46:57 +02:00 |
Removed Dockge again, switched to alpine images
/ get-version (push) Successful in 3s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 13s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 2s
/ checking (push) Successful in 13s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m4s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 6s
2024-07-20 17:02:30 +02:00 |
Testing Dockge CLI in CI 2
/ get-version (push) Successful in 3s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 13s
/ checking (push) Successful in 12s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 6s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 3s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m51s
/ auto-deploy-dockge (push) Failing after 8s
2024-07-20 16:56:29 +02:00 |
Testing Dockge CLI in CI
/ get-version (push) Successful in 2s
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 12s
/ checking (push) Successful in 11s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 2s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 6s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 2m58s
/ auto-deploy-dockge (push) Failing after 0s
2024-07-20 16:47:33 +02:00 |
Bumped version
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 12s
/ get-version (push) Successful in 2s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 6s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 2s
/ checking (push) Successful in 12s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m31s
2024-07-20 16:35:09 +02:00 |
Major redesign and rewrite
/ astro-check (push) Successful in 13s
/ checking (push) Successful in 12s
/ check-tag (push) Successful in 2s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 2m6s
/ create-release (push) Successful in 7s
2024-07-19 22:52:35 +02:00 |
Major redesign and rewrite
2024-07-19 22:52:15 +02:00 |
Fixed accessibility issues
/ checking (push) Successful in 15s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m25s
/ publish (push) Successful in 6s
/ unlighthouse (push) Successful in 22s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-files (push) Successful in 6s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-site (push) Successful in 6s
2024-06-20 19:52:34 +02:00 |
Bumped version
/ publish (push) Has been skipped
/ build-site (push) Failing after 9s
/ checking (push) Successful in 11s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-files (push) Has been cancelled
/ deploy-unlighthouse-site (push) Has been cancelled
/ unlighthouse (push) Has been cancelled
2024-06-20 18:58:55 +02:00 |
Updated Servant list
/ checking (push) Successful in 14s
2024-06-15 19:17:29 +02:00 |
Hero with reference to fgo-ta.com
/ publish (push) Successful in 6s
/ checking (push) Successful in 13s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m42s
2024-01-19 10:18:05 +01:00 |
Version Bump
/ checking (push) Successful in 10s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m44s
/ publish (push) Successful in 6s
/ unlighthouse (push) Successful in 31s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-site (push) Successful in 4s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-files (push) Successful in 7s
2024-01-10 11:39:54 +01:00 |
Fix for #27
/ checking (push) Has been cancelled
2024-01-06 18:48:19 +01:00 |
Moved nice tools from fgo-ta over
/ build-site (push) Has been skipped
/ publish (push) Has been skipped
/ checking (push) Failing after 10s
2024-01-05 01:12:19 +01:00 |
bumped version
/ publish (push) Successful in 10s
/ checking (push) Successful in 45s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 3m34s
2024-01-01 21:36:46 +01:00 |
Bumped version
/ build-site (push) Successful in 35m26s
/ publish (push) Successful in 18s
/ checking (push) Successful in 24s
2024-01-01 17:53:56 +01:00 |
Added version to About Page
/ checking (push) Successful in 25s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 2m4s
/ publish (push) Successful in 9s
/ unlighthouse (push) Successful in 33s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-files (push) Successful in 10s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-site (push) Successful in 6s
2023-12-31 16:50:29 +01:00 |
Postcss (vendor prefixes), etc.
/ checking (push) Successful in 20s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 2m2s
/ publish (push) Successful in 9s
2023-12-30 00:06:32 +01:00 |
bumped version
/ build-site (push) Successful in 1m54s
/ release (push) Successful in 8s
/ checking (push) Successful in 43s
2023-12-29 23:38:47 +01:00 |
Bumped version
/ checking (push) Successful in 28s
2023-12-29 23:10:24 +01:00 |
Bumped version before release
/ checking (push) Successful in 29s
/ publish (push) Successful in 8s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 2m14s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-site (push) Successful in 6s
/ unlighthouse (push) Successful in 32s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-files (push) Successful in 8s
2023-12-29 20:25:52 +01:00 |
Testing lite-youtube for embed
/ checking (push) Successful in 31s
/ publish (push) Successful in 9s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 2m52s
/ unlighthouse (push) Successful in 32s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-files (push) Successful in 8s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-site (push) Successful in 8s
2023-12-29 18:24:44 +01:00 |
Bumped version
/ checking (push) Successful in 19s
/ publish (push) Successful in 8s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 2m7s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-files (push) Successful in 9s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-site (push) Successful in 7s
/ unlighthouse (push) Successful in 53s
2023-12-29 15:05:38 +01:00 |
Moved to iconoir package instead of web stylesheet
/ checking (push) Successful in 24s
2023-12-29 15:05:13 +01:00 |
Updated version
/ release (push) Successful in 12s
/ checking (push) Successful in 20s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 2m59s
/ publish (push) Successful in 9s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-files (push) Successful in 10s
/ unlighthouse (push) Successful in 35s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-site (push) Successful in 7s
2023-12-29 13:36:45 +01:00 |
Updated docker to ci-docker-images (migration)
/ checking (push) Successful in 4m7s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 2m43s
/ publish (push) Successful in 1m26s
/ unlighthouse (push) Successful in 1m14s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-files (push) Successful in 14s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-site (push) Successful in 7s
2023-12-28 16:27:56 +01:00 |
Fixed embed
/ checking (push) Successful in 14s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 2m3s
/ publish (push) Successful in 8s
/ unlighthouse (push) Successful in 33s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-files (push) Successful in 9s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-site (push) Successful in 7s
2023-12-26 01:24:44 +01:00 |
Small optimizations
/ checking (push) Successful in 14s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 2m4s
/ publish (push) Successful in 13s
/ unlighthouse (push) Successful in 33s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-files (push) Successful in 9s
/ deploy-unlighthouse-site (push) Successful in 7s
2023-12-25 20:06:16 +01:00 |
Updated servants and ta data
/ checking (push) Successful in 14s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 2m13s
/ publish (push) Successful in 10s
2023-12-24 00:42:32 +01:00 |
Bumped package version
/ checking (push) Successful in 15s
/ release (push) Has been cancelled
/ build-site (push) Has been cancelled
2023-12-23 23:26:19 +01:00 |
bumped version
/ checking (push) Successful in 3m9s
/ publish (push) Successful in 8s
/ build-site (push) Successful in 2m14s
2023-12-21 15:48:12 +01:00 |
Implemented forgejo ci
/ publish (push) Has been skipped
/ checking (push) Successful in 14s
/ unlighthouse (push) Has been skipped
/ build-site (push) Failing after 2m13s
2023-12-21 00:16:39 +01:00 |
small visual fixes + upgrade to astro v4
2023-12-20 23:48:28 +01:00 |
bumped version
2023-07-13 20:22:19 +02:00 |
bumped version
2023-07-09 00:26:25 +02:00 |
bumped versions
2023-07-08 17:05:50 +02:00 |
CI staging env?
2023-07-07 14:17:25 +02:00 |
Blog post author, version
2023-03-19 13:14:50 +01:00 |
New gitlab-ci, test once back up
2023-03-17 12:50:39 +01:00 |
Moving static files, adding robots, adding sitemap
2023-03-14 21:54:19 +01:00 |
Bye gitlab pages, welcome cd/ci with server
2023-03-06 19:12:59 +01:00 |
Updated to Astro V2.0
2023-01-27 16:02:31 +01:00 |
Accessibility improved
2023-01-27 11:16:01 +01:00 |
NPM dependencys fixed (naming reeee)
2023-01-23 20:09:29 +01:00 |
NPM dependencys updated
2023-01-23 20:07:06 +01:00 |
New Files
2023-01-15 17:53:19 +01:00 |