stages: - validate - build - deploy - post_deploy - scripts .ssh_default: &ssh_default - 'which rsync || ( apk update && apk add rsync )' - 'which ssh-agent || ( apk update && apk add openssh-client)' - eval $(ssh-agent -s) - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - chmod 700 ~/.ssh - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' >> ~/.ssh/key_firq - chmod 600 ~/.ssh/key_firq - echo "Host $DEPLOY_HOST" >> ~/.ssh/config - echo $'\n\tIdentityFile ~/.ssh/key_firq' >> ~/.ssh/config - echo $'\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\tIdentitiesOnly yes\n' >> ~/.ssh/config - chmod 644 ~/.ssh/config - echo "$SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS" > ~/.ssh/known_hosts - chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts - echo "SSH setup completed" checking: image: node:lts stage: validate before_script: - npm install script: - echo "Running Astro checks" - npm run astro check build-site: image: node:lts stage: build when: on_success cache: paths: - node_modules/ script: - npm install - npm run build - rm -r public/assets/data/ - cp serve.json public artifacts: paths: - public expire_in: 1 day deploy-site: stage: deploy when: on_success only: - tags except: - branches before_script: - *ssh_default script: - echo "Getting artifacts" - ls public - echo "Stopping screen session, cleaning" - ssh $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_HOST "screen -X -S website-firq-npx kill; rm -r -f public/*;" - echo "Copying to proxmox machine" - rsync -az --stats public $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_HOST:~/. - echo "Restarting screen session" - ssh $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_HOST "find maintenance public -maxdepth 1 -printf '%p\n'; screen -S website-firq-npx -dm npx serve public/ -p 9000 -c serve.json" - echo "Website is up on" deploy-testing: stage: deploy when: on_success except: - tags - main before_script: - *ssh_default script: - echo "Getting artifacts" - ls public - echo "Stopping screen session, cleaning" - ssh $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_HOST "screen -X -S staging-firq-npx kill; rm -r -f staging/*;" - echo "Copying to proxmox machine" - rsync -az --stats public/* $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_HOST:~/staging - echo "Restarting screen session" - ssh $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_HOST "find staging -maxdepth 1 -printf '%p\n'; screen -S staging-firq-npx -dm npx serve staging/ -p 9100 -c serve.json" - echo "Staging environment is up!" success_notification: stage: post_deploy before_script: - apk update - apk add rsync - apk add curl - apk add git - apk add bash script: - wget - chmod +x - ./ success $WEBHOOK_URL when: on_success failure_notification: stage: post_deploy before_script: - apk update - apk add curl - apk add git - apk add bash script: - wget - chmod +x - ./ failure $WEBHOOK_URL when: on_failure maintenance-mode: stage: post_deploy when: on_failure before_script: - *ssh_default only: - main script: - echo "Stopping screen session" - ssh $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_HOST "screen -X -S website-firq-npx kill;" - echo "Enabeling maintenance mode" - ssh $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_HOST "screen -S website-firq-npx -dm npx serve maintenance/ -p 9000 -c serve.json" - echo "Maintenance Website is up on" redeploy-site: stage: scripts when: manual only: - tags except: - branches before_script: - *ssh_default script: - echo "Stopping screen session" - ssh $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_HOST "screen -X -S website-firq-npx kill" || true - echo "Restarting screen session" - ssh $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_HOST "screen -S website-firq-npx -dm npx serve public/ -p 9000 -c serve.json" - echo "Website is up on"