import Layout from '../layouts/Layout.astro'
import AboutSection from '../layouts/aboutSection.astro'
import ContactSection from '../layouts/contactSection.astro'
import ContactCard from '../components/contactCard.astro'
import contactdata from '../../static/data/_contactdata.json'
import CustomFooter from '../layouts/customFooter.astro'
import TechnologyCard from '../components/technologyCard.astro'
import technologydata from '../../static/data/_technologydata.json'
const description =
"A summary of the technologies used as well as my contact information. You'll also find disclaimers and thank you notes for the people that helped me."
This is a small sideproject that I'm creating. First time doing webdev in
general, and first project using Typescript.
{technologydata.map((item) => )}
{contactdata.map((item) => )}