Switched compose to be class-based
All checks were successful
All checks were successful
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 102 additions and 97 deletions
@ -46,9 +46,8 @@ This would generate the expressions for Scathach (Servant Id 70) in the folder o
`skyeweave` can also be used in other Python scripts.
from skyeweave import compose
from skyeweave import SkyeWeave
This feature will be expanded upon in future releases.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "skyeweave"
version = "1.0.0-c.2"
version = "1.0.0-c.3"
requires-python = ">= 3.10"
authors = [{name = "Firq", email = "firelp42@gmail.com"}]
maintainers = [{name = "Firq", email = "firelp42@gmail.com"}]
@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ import importlib.metadata
__version__ = importlib.metadata.version(__package__ or "skyeweave")
from .service import compose
from .service import SkyeWeave
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import sys
from typing import List
from .. import __version__
from ..service import compose
from ..service import SkyeWeave
from ..config import AtlasAPIConfig, LoggingConfig, PathConfig
from ..utils import rmdir, disable_tqdm
@ -91,4 +91,4 @@ def run():
LOGGER.info("Successfully reset local storage")
compose(input_id, args.filter)
SkyeWeave().compose(input_id, args.filter)
@ -1 +1 @@
from .compose import compose
from .compose import SkyeWeave
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import logging
import pathlib
from typing import Annotated, List, NotRequired, Tuple, TypedDict
import requests
@ -61,12 +62,11 @@ def fetch_mstsvtjson():
def fetch_expression_sheets(basefolder: str, imageid: str):
def fetch_expression_sheets(tempfolder: pathlib.Path, imageid: str):
atlasurl_base = f"https://static.atlasacademy.io/{AtlasAPIConfig.REGION}/CharaFigure/{imageid}"
savefolder = PathConfig.IMAGES / basefolder / str(imageid)
if not savefolder.is_dir():
savefolder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
savefolder = tempfolder / str(imageid)
savefolder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
idx, status = 0, 200
@ -11,106 +11,115 @@ from .atlas import SpritesheetData, fetch_data, fetch_expression_sheets, fetch_c
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LoggingConfig.NAME)
def compose(input_id: int, filters: Optional[List[str]] = None):
class SkyeWeave:
output_folder: pathlib.Path
image_folder: pathlib.Path
if input_id < 10000:
chara_ids = fetch_data(input_id)
savefolder = PathConfig.OUTPUT / str(input_id)
LOGGER.info(f"Processing manually uploaded charaId {input_id}")
savefolder = PathConfig.OUTPUT / "manual"
chara_ids = [str(input_id)]
def __init__(self, output: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, assets: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None):
self.output_folder = output or PathConfig.OUTPUT
self.image_folder = assets or PathConfig.IMAGES
def compose(self, input_id: int, filters: Optional[List[str]] = None):
if input_id < 10000:
chara_ids = fetch_data(input_id)
savefolder, tempfolder = self.output_folder / str(input_id), self.image_folder / str(input_id)
LOGGER.info(f"Processing manually uploaded charaId {input_id}")
savefolder, tempfolder = self.output_folder / "manual", self.image_folder / "manual"
chara_ids = [str(input_id)]
if not savefolder.is_dir():
savefolder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
tempfolder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if filters is not None:
chara_ids = [ v for v in chara_ids if v in filters ]
chara_ids = [ v for v in chara_ids if v in filters ] if filters else chara_ids
for char_id in chara_ids:
expfolder = fetch_expression_sheets(savefolder.stem, char_id)
config = fetch_config(char_id)
process_sprite(expfolder, config, savefolder)
for char_id in chara_ids:
expfolder = fetch_expression_sheets(tempfolder, char_id)
config = fetch_config(char_id)
self.process_sprite(expfolder, config, savefolder)
LOGGER.info(f"Files have been saved at: {savefolder.absolute()}")
LOGGER.info(f"Files have been saved at: {savefolder.absolute()}")
def process_sprite(self, images_folder: pathlib.Path, configdata: SpritesheetData, outputfolder: pathlib.Path):
main_sprite = self._gen_main_sprite(images_folder / "0.png")
image_idx = self._save_sprite(main_sprite, outputfolder, f"{images_folder.stem}")
def calculate_counts(width: int, height: int, facesize: tuple[int, int]):
rowcount, colcount = height // facesize[1], width // facesize[0]
LOGGER.debug(f"{height} | {facesize[1]} --> {rowcount}")
LOGGER.debug(f"{width} | {facesize[0]} --> {colcount}")
return rowcount, colcount
for i in images_folder.iterdir():
LOGGER.debug(f"Idx: {image_idx}")
initial_row = 0
expressions = Image.open(i)
def gen_main_sprite(folder: pathlib.Path):
image = Image.open(folder / "0.png")
width, height = image.size
LOGGER.debug(f"Main sprite ({folder}): {width}:{height}")
return image.crop((0, 0, width, height - 256))
rowcount, colcount = self._calculate_counts(*expressions.size, configdata["facesize"])
def process_sprite(images_folder: pathlib.Path, configdata: SpritesheetData, outputfolder: pathlib.Path):
main_sprite = gen_main_sprite(images_folder)
image_idx = save_sprite(main_sprite, outputfolder, f"{images_folder.stem}")
if i.name == "0.png" and 256 < configdata["facesize"][1]:
for i in images_folder.iterdir():
LOGGER.debug(f"Idx: {image_idx}")
initial_row = 0
expressions = Image.open(i)
if i.name == "0.png":
initial_row = rowcount - 1
rowcount, colcount = calculate_counts(*expressions.size, configdata["facesize"])
for x, y in tqdm_itertools.product(range(initial_row, rowcount), range(0, colcount), ascii="-=", desc=f"[PROG] [{LoggingConfig.NAME}]", bar_format="{desc} {percentage:3.0f}% |{bar}|"):
img = self._generate_sprite(main_sprite, expressions, x, y, configdata)
if img is not None:
image_idx = self._save_sprite(img, outputfolder, f"{images_folder.stem}", image_idx)
LOGGER.debug(f"{x}/{y} - {'Invalid' if img is None else 'Valid'} image")
if i.name == "0.png" and 256 < configdata["facesize"][1]:
def _calculate_counts(width: int, height: int, facesize: tuple[int, int]):
rowcount, colcount = height // facesize[1], width // facesize[0]
LOGGER.debug(f"{height} | {facesize[1]} --> {rowcount}")
LOGGER.debug(f"{width} | {facesize[0]} --> {colcount}")
return rowcount, colcount
if i.name == "0.png":
initial_row = rowcount - 1
def _gen_main_sprite(imagepath: pathlib.Path):
image = Image.open(imagepath)
width, height = image.size
LOGGER.debug(f"Main sprite ({imagepath}): {width}:{height}")
return image.crop((0, 0, width, height - 256))
for x, y in tqdm_itertools.product(range(initial_row, rowcount), range(0, colcount), ascii="-=", desc=f"[PROG] [{LoggingConfig.NAME}]", bar_format="{desc} {percentage:3.0f}% |{bar}|"):
img = generate_sprite(main_sprite, expressions, x, y, configdata)
if img is not None:
image_idx = save_sprite(img, outputfolder, f"{images_folder.stem}", image_idx)
LOGGER.debug(f"{x}/{y} - {'Invalid' if img is None else 'Valid'} image")
def _generate_sprite(main_sprite: Image.Image, expressions: Image.Image, row: int, col: int, configdata: SpritesheetData) -> Image.Image | None:
position, facesize = configdata["position"], configdata["facesize"]
roi = (
col * facesize[0],
row * facesize[1],
(col + 1) * facesize[0],
(row + 1) * facesize[1]
expression = expressions.crop(roi)
if SkyeWeave._is_empty(expression):
LOGGER.debug("Image empty")
return None
def generate_sprite(main_sprite: Image.Image, expressions: Image.Image, row: int, col: int, configdata: SpritesheetData) -> Image.Image | None:
position, facesize = configdata["position"], configdata["facesize"]
roi = (
col * facesize[0],
row * facesize[1],
(col + 1) * facesize[0],
(row + 1) * facesize[1]
expression = expressions.crop(roi)
mask = Image.new("RGBA", (facesize[0], facesize[1]), (255,255,255,255))
composition = main_sprite.copy()
composition.paste(expression, position, mask)
return composition
if is_empty(expression):
LOGGER.debug("Image empty")
return None
def _save_sprite(image: Image.Image, outputfolder: pathlib.Path, name: str, idx: int = 0) -> int:
savefolder = outputfolder / name
if not savefolder.is_dir():
outfile = savefolder / f"{idx}.png"
mask = Image.new("RGBA", (facesize[0], facesize[1]), (255,255,255,255))
composition = main_sprite.copy()
composition.paste(expression, position, mask)
return composition
with open(outfile, 'wb') as file:
return idx + 1
def save_sprite(image: Image.Image, outputfolder: pathlib.Path, name: str, idx: int = 0) -> int:
savefolder = outputfolder / name
if not savefolder.is_dir():
outfile = savefolder / f"{idx}.png"
with open(outfile, 'wb') as file:
return idx + 1
def is_empty(img: Image.Image):
w, h = img.size
croparea = (w * 0.375, h * 0.375, w * 0.625, h * 0.625 )
data = Counter(img.crop(croparea).convert('LA').getdata())
LOGGER.debug(f"Counts: {len(data)}")
if len(data) < 6:
return True
return False
def _is_empty(img: Image.Image):
w, h = img.size
croparea = (w * 0.375, h * 0.375, w * 0.625, h * 0.625 )
data = Counter(img.crop(croparea).convert('LA').getdata())
LOGGER.debug(f"Counts: {len(data)}")
if len(data) < 6:
return True
return False
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
from skyeweave import compose
Reference in a new issue