# Cloudflare DNS Updater ## Using the application The application necessarily requires a valid Cloudflare API Token. Further the application must be located in the same network as the configured zones. The actual configuration happens in three or more files: `config.toml` contains general configuration parameters for the application `interfaces.toml` contains all IPv6 interfaces available/used by the zone config files. `.toml` files in `zone.d` contain settings for individual zones. Example: *config.toml* ```toml cf_api_token = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234" # Cloudflare API Token check_interval_seconds = 30 # Defaults to 60 if missing uptime_url = "https://example.org/uptime/id12" # Post Endpoint for a Uptime Monitor ``` *interfaces.toml* ```toml host_address = "::edcb:a098:7654:3210" [interfaces] example-interface = "::0123:4567:890a:bcde" # static part of the IP, the rest will be dynamically generated using the host ``` *zone.d/example.org.toml* ```toml email = "owner@example.org" # Email of User owning the Zone zone = "example.org" # Zone Name id = "01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" # Zone ID [[entry]] name = "example.org" # "@" Symbol is not currently supported type = ["AAAA", "A"] # Options are: "A" (IPv4/A Record) and/or "AAAA" (IPv6/AAAA Record) interface = "example-interface" # Only required on type values 6 and 10 ``` ## Debian Repository TODO!