import Head from 'next/head' import { Service, Status, ServiceType, ServiceLocation } from '../interfaces/CardTypes'; import Dockerode from 'dockerode'; import { ReactElement } from 'react' import useSWR from 'swr'; import ServiceList from '../public/data/pages.json'; import { DockerInfo } from '../interfaces/DockerStatus'; import { CardContentService, PageContentBox, PageDescription, PageTitle } from '../components/styles/content'; const fetcher = (url: string) => fetch(url).then((res) => res.json()) function Services() { const { initialData, fullData, loadingFull, error } = useServices(); const isMobile = useWindowSize(); let content: ReactElement = <>; if (error) { content =
Error loading data
} else if (loadingFull) { if (isMobile) { content = {initialData?.map((item: Service) => ( ))} } else { content = {initialData?.map((item: Service) => ( ))} } } else if (fullData) { if (isMobile) { content = { Service) => ( ))} } else { content = { Service) => ( ))} } } else { content =
Error loading data
} return ( <> Neshweb - Services Service List Lists all available Services, most likely up-to-date {content} ) } async function getStatus(entry: Service, containers: DockerInfo[]) { // Currently the only location supporting different fetching depending on type is brr7-4800u // Others to follow but low prio as this is currently the only location used // Type APP if (entry.type === { await fetch(entry.href) .then((response) => { if (response.ok) { switch (response.status) { case 200: case 301: case 302: entry.status =; break; default: entry.status = Status.offline; } } else { entry.status = Status.offline; } }) .catch((error) => { console.error("Error pinging Website: ", error); entry.status = Status.error; }) } // Type Docker else if (entry.type === ServiceType.docker) { if ( !== null) { let found = false; for (let i = 0; i < containers.length; i++) { const container = containers[i]; // Docker API returns container names with / prepended if ( === entry.docker_container_name) { if (container.location === entry.location) { // so far only "running" is properly implemented, mroe cases to follow as needed switch (container.status) { case "running": entry.status =; break; default: console.log("Container Status " + container.status + " has no case implemented"); entry.status = Status.offline; } found = true; // cancel the for break; } } // If container name is not missing the container is set to offline else { entry.status = Status.offline; } } if (!found) { console.warn("Container for " + + " could not be found"); } } // if name is null do not enter for loop else { console.error("Container Name not specified"); entry.status = Status.error; } } // If no Type matches else { console.warn("Service Type for Service " + + " not specified or invalid"); entry.status = Status.error; } return entry; } const fetchFullDataArray = (containerData: DockerInfo[], dataSet: Service[]) => { const fetchStatus = (entry: Service) => getStatus(entry, containerData); return Promise.all(; } function useServices() { const { data: containerData, error: containerError } = useSWR('/api/containers', fetcher); // TODO: unfuck this const initialData: Service[] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(; initialData.forEach((service) => { if (service.status === undefined) service.status = Status.loading; }) const { data: fullData, error: fullError } = useSWR((containerData) ? [containerData, initialData] : null, fetchFullDataArray) const loadingFull = !fullData && !fullError return { initialData, fullData, loadingFull, error: fullError || containerError, }; } export default Services