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Cloudflare DNS Updater

Using the application

The application necessarily requires a valid Cloudflare API Token. Further the application must be located in the same network as the configured zones.

Environment Variable Required Usage
CF_API_TOKEN x Cloudflare API Token
STATUS_POST_URL Post Endpoint for a Uptime Monitor
Note: Variables can be stored in a .env file

The actual configuration happens in two or more files:
interfaces.toml contains all IPv6 interfaces available/used by the zone config files.
.toml files in zone.d contain settings for individual zones.



alias = "example-interface-1"     # this is what a user inputs in the zone.toml
address = ":da5e:d3ff:feeb:4346"  # static part of the IP, the rest will be dynamically generated using the host


email = ""             # Email of User owning the Zone
name = ""                    # Zone Name
id = "0183f167a051f1e432c0d931478638b5" # Zone ID

name=""              # "@" Symbol is not currently supported 
type="10"                       # Options are: "4" (only IPv4/A Record), "6" (only IPv6/AAAA Record) and "10" (both)
interface="example-interface-1" # Only required on type values 6 and 10

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