Firq 9e20764526
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/ release (push) Successful in 37s
/ build (push) Successful in 3m39s
Updated README
2023-12-29 13:12:36 +01:00

769 B

unlighthouse Docker Image

Image based on node:20.10.0-bookworm with chromium and unlighthouse preinstalled.

It can be used for benchmarking a given site with lighthouse and to generate corresponding reports with ease.


The unlighthouse cli can be used by running the command unlighthouse inside the container

unlighthouse-ci --site "https://preview.firq.dev/"

It is recommended to provide a unlighthouse.config.ts to reduce the amount of CLI arguments needed.

An example config can be found here:

export default {
    puppeteerOptions: {
        args: ["--no-sandbox", "--disable-setuid-sandbox"],
    ci: {
        budget: 90,
        buildStatic: true
    outputPath: "unlighthouse-reports",